**disclaimer: Although I teach reading and language arts, this post contains mathematical references and computations that may be beyond a rudimentary level. Read and compute at your own risk.
Our campus dress code policy is outlined as business plus casual. It's a simple equation, yet I'm sure that there are a myriad of ways to arrive at its sum. But for all intents and purposes, we're going to go with what this looks like on my middle school campus.
Out of a five-day work week, three of those days allow for teachers and staff to dress according the latter half of the aforementioned dress code equation. If you're not great at a math, let me break this down for you:
During one week of school, you (as a teacher) are really only required to dress business-casually for two days, while on the other three days, you may dress business-casually in a pair of jeans and the t-shirt designated for that day. Even the most rudimentary mathematician knows that three is greater than two, which means that on any given week on our campus, you can wear jeans and a tee shirt...and probably tennis shoes, if you so choose.
Personally, I feel that the equation is unevenly balanced, but it's okay if the way that I do math is different than another person's method. (As I mentioned, business plus casual is a simple equation with a myriad of ways to arrive at its sum.) So, when it comes to the doing the jeans-and-tee thing, I typically wait for ("casual") Friday. However, this week, in the spirit of "spirit wear", I wore jeans and a tee for four-fifths of the week:
This day is reserved for AVID shirts (an awesome, I-can't-say-enough-wonderful-things-about-it college prep program). The shirts are redesigned every year, and if a teacher chooses to purchase one for the year, then he/she also sponsors an AVID student by providing that child with a shirt as well.
Guess heels |
If you take half of two-fifths of business plus casual...then you arrive at Tuesdays. (Did I lose you? Because I think I got lost myself...!)
Anyway, Tuesday is regularly not a jeans-and-spirit-tee day, but this week, we were given the opportunity to do so because of a pep rally that was planned. And so, wearing this year's faculty spirit shirt, I decided to ride for the brand. If you don't know what I mean by that, then just read my boobs shirt.
Oh, wait. You can't tell what they it says? Can you read them it now?
Ah, yes. You read correctly.
My boobs shirt says "Ride for the brand".
Did I mention that I work at a middle school?
ABS Allen Schwartz python print pumps |
I'll leave you to your own thoughts on that one.
WEDNESDAY (alert: blurry pictures ahead!)
are a jeans-and-spirit-tee day, and since the pep rally was rescheduled for this day, I opted to sport last year's faculty spirit tee.
Target Mossimo sandals |
Without getting all into that math verbiage again, Thursday is the other
business plus casual day. Nothing was going on to allow me to wear jeans-and-a-tee, so I just went with a "regular" outfit.
Vince Camuto Padara booties |
Friday's are "casual"... of course! ;)
As I stated earlier, I typically reserve Friday's for my jeans-and-spirit-tee day.
And that's because after a stressful week, all I can think of is that it's...
If you made it all the way through the computations and explanations, then thank you. Secretly, I'm really not all that great at math. I guess that's why this post turned out
twice as long as I expected. ;)